Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on
Thursday 10th November 2016 at 6.30 p.m.
Present: C Pavett (Chairperson), A Price (Deputy Chair), G Harries, J Price, C Edwards, C Harries, P Richards, S Whitrow
Clerk: D Roberts
Cllr Pavett congratulated both Cllr Edwards and Cllr Richards on their success in the recent election and welcomed Cllr Richards to Blaengwrach Community Council.
550/16 Apologies: M Aveyard
551/16 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Edwards declared an interest due to her County Borough Council status.
552/16 Minutes.
The minutes of the meeting on 13th October 2016 of the Blaengwrach Community Council were accepted as a true record, proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Pavett .
553/16 Matters Arising
Cllrs discussed the appointment of an internal auditor as highlighted in the 2015/2016 audit report. All Cllrs agreed to appoint HR Harris & Sons. Action: DR to contact to arrange agreement and terms and conditions.
554/16 Planning
P2016/0966 – no objections
555/16 Crime and Disorder.
Cllr A Price highlighted that there have been a number of hoax calls made by someone claiming to be a delivery company to arrange the delivery of a parcel. Several houses had been broken into as a result of these calls in local areas.
Cllrs urged to encourage residents to report any incidents by ringing either 101 or 999.
556/16 Finance
Payments agreed
Zurich Insurance £114
St Cadoc’s Church (Rent for monthly meetings) £12
Atom Heating (new water heater for Welfare Hall) £305
RBI donation £50
Expenditure for Christmas activities £889
Payments Received
Hall Rental – £413
Budget discuss in line with cash flow forecast and Council assets. Budget approved for November.
The Chair’s allowance will be used towards the Christmas activities.
Annual Return to external auditors Year end 31st March 2016 – Following discussion on points raised, approved unanimously.
Cllrs approved a thank you gift for Santa.
557/16 2017/2018 Precept
Following analysis of the cash-flow forecast projections for 2017/2018 and assets of the Council, The Cllrs decided by a unanimous decision not to increase the precept for 2017/2018.
Hall rental fees and pay increases will be discussed in March meeting.
558/16 Correspondence
CISS – Information. Action DR to file
Digital by Choice – invitation to attend event on 30th January 2017 at Princess Royal Theatre, further information to follow closer to date – decision will be made when information is received.
Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund – information on micro fund. Blaengwrach has not been eligible in the past to apply for this funding. Action: DR to contact to check eligibility.
559/16 Committee Reports
No Committee reports
560/16 Matters Raised by Cllrs
There may be a vacancy for a gardener/handyman in 2017. Action: DR to itemise the possibility of the vacancy on the agenda for February’s meeting.
Delivery of Christmas tree and lights have been booked.
Dates of Council meetings set for 2017, to be published in notice board, meetings will be held second Thursday of each month at St Mary’s Church with the exception of August and December when meetings will not be held.
There is a vacancy on The Selar Community Benefits Fund panel for a Cllr to represent Blaengwrach Community Council. Following a ballot Cllr Adrianna Challenger was elected to represent the Council.
Cllrs discussed the possibility of a “one way traffic system” which would follow the same route as the public bus service in Cwmgwrach and also the possibility of parking restriction at the corner of Bryn Berllan and High Street. Action Cllr Edwards to discuss the issues with NPTCBC.
Cllrs agreed that any surplus selection boxes will be donated to St Cadoc’s Church for the food bank.
The refurbishment of the gent’s toilets at The Welfare Hall was discussed and Cllrs approved the quote from Atom Heating. Works to commence January 2017.
Cllrs discussed refurbishment of the ceilings at The Welfare Hall and new curtains and motorized mechanism for the stage at The Welfare Hall. Action: DR to obtain quotes.
561/16 Set Date & Time of next meeting
Next meeting: 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 12th January 2017 at St Mary’s Church.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on
Thursday 12th January 2017 at 6.30 p.m.
Present: A Price (Deputy Chair), M Aveyard, J Price, C Edwards, S Whitrow, P chards
Clerk: D Roberts
001/17 Apologies: G Harries, C Pavett (Chairperson),
002/17 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Edwards re County Borough Council status.
003/17 Minutes.
The minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 12th January 2017 of the Blaengwrach Community Council were accepted as a true record, proposed by Cllr J Price, seconded by Cllr C Edwards.
004/17 Matters Arising
Internal auditors have been contacted awaiting response re letter of agreement.
Wind Farm funding – Cwmgwrach is eligible to apply for funding. Action: DR to contact and book appointment to discuss.
Traffic at Bryn Berllan Cottages/High Street junction. Cllr Edwards has spoken to Highways Department @ NPTCBC and is awaiting the results of meeting.
Gents toilets at The Welfare Hall. The refurbishment is currently being completed. Cllrs approval for purchase of new flooring pending costs.
New ceiling at Welfare Hall/Stage curtains and closing mechanism. Awaiting quotes
005/17 Planning
Appeal hearing for the “McDonalds” development will be held at The Quays on 8th February at 10am. Cllr Edwards will speak at the hearing as County Councillor. Action: DR to contact NPTCBC re Cllrs attending meeting.
006/17 Crime and Disorder.
PACT meeting on 18th January at St Mary’s Church.
007/16 Finance
Payments agreed £5205
Payments Received £816
Budget discuss in line with cash flow forecast. Budget approved for November.
Mandates for additional signature – Cllr Richards agreed to become additional signature of bank accounts. Action: Cllr Richards to complete form and return to Clerk.
008/17 Correspondence
Boiler maintenance contract has been cancelled – No longer required due to new boiler being fitted.
PRS – information re music license. Action: DR to respond.
Information of recruiting new Cllrs. Action DR to display in noticeboard.
Mrs Sedgemoor – thank you letter
009/17 Committee Reports
Cllr Edwards – Vale of Neath Practice, meeting to be held on Monday 16th January.
010/17 Matters Raised by Cllrs
There will be a vacancy for a gardener/handyman in 2017 due to the retirement of the current employee. Action: Item to be added to February meeting’s agenda.
The equipment for the Community Cinema will be fitted in January with the launch of the cinema club scheduled for February, date to be confirmed. There will be a regular monthly showing of films on Saturday mornings once a month.
The date for April’s Council meeting will now be on Thursday 20th April due to Easter services at St Mary’s Church.
Cllrs agreed to print new order of service for Remembrance Day Service. Action Cllr Edwards to obtain costs.
011/17 Set Date & Time of next meeting
Next meeting: 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 9th February 2017 at St Mary’s Church.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on
Thursday 9th February 2017 at 6.30 p.m.
Present: C Pavett (Chairperson), A Price (Deputy Chair), J Price, C Edwards, S Whitrow, P Richards
Clerk: D Roberts
012 /17 Apologies: G Harries, M Aveyard
013/17 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Edwards – County Borough Council status
014/17 Minutes.
The minutes of the Meeting on 12th January 2017 of the Blaengwrach Community Council were accepted as a true record, proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Whitrow.
015/17 Matters Arising
Blaengwrach is eligible for Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm funding. Ction: Cllr Edwards to apply for funding to replace the stage curtains and mechanism at The Welfare Hall.
Traffic issues around Blaengwrach Primary School, Cllr Edwards has spoken NPTCBC and arranged for the “zigzags” on Heol Wenallt outside the school to be repainted. Awaiting traffic survey from NPTCBC re School Street.
Planning appeal for the hotel/restaurant/fuel station development to the rear of McDonalds. The appeal result will take 6 weeks to be published.
New mandates received form Cllr Richards re bank account signatures.
Costing of Order of Service – awaiting quote.
016/17 Planning
P2016/1102 – Discharge of planning permission P2013/0720
P2017/0112 – Park Garage PLC, development of new roadside services, to include sales building (use class A1), forecourt canopy, underground storage tank, car care facilities, coffee shop/restaurant with drive through facility (A1/A3) car parking, landscaping and associated works.
Cllrs expressed concerns regarding, pedestrian access to Cwmgwach, safety issues for children using the subway, traffic access from A465, increase in traffic within the village, pollution issues near domestic dwellings, impact on local businesses, too close to residential housing, no fry zone just over limit from local school.
017/17 Crime and Disorder.
Several issues have been raise by residents regarding the increase in police activity near the Heol y Graig residential facility. South Wales Police will monitor the activity.
018/16 Finance
Payments agreed –
Centregreat Ltd £ 720
Paint – £9
Postage stamps £64
Cleaning supplies £237
Wales Audit £268
Gardening supplies £18
Precept due end of April 2017
Payments Received – Hall rental £376
Budget discuss in line with cash flow forecast. Budget approved for February.
Three quotes received for replacing the ceiling, installation of LED lighting and decoration at The Welfare Hall. Cllrs to award contract to CGL Ltd, at a cost of £8301
Funding to be applied for new stage curtains and mechanism. Cllr Edwards agreed to complete application form.
020/17 Correspondence
Request for Jeremy Miles to hold a surgery at The Welfare Hall on Friday 17th March. Approved
Copy of Electoral register – Action DR to file
Neath CVS – Voluntary Voice – Action DR to file
021/17 Committee Reports
Cllr Edwards – Vale of Neath Practice
Cllr Edwards – Community Liaison Committee
022/17 Matters Raised by Cllrs
Blaengwrach Primary School – Cllr Pavett is now a LEA governor which results in a vacancy for a Community Councillor on the Board of Governors. Item to be added to May 2017 agenda.
023/17 Staff Vacancy
The current Gardener/park keeper has given informal verbal notice to retire on April 25th 2017. Cllrs agreed to advertise the post in both notice boards with a deadline for submission of applications being Friday 3dr March.
024/17 Cwmgwrach Moving Forward
A brief discussion was held regarding the rental of The Welfare Hall/Welfare Park by Cwmgwrach Moving Forward. Cllrs raised concerns regarding events in The Welfare Park going on until 11.00pm. Suggestions were discussed at a meeting with members of the group to discuss the terms and conditions of the use of The Welfare Hall and Park. Action: DR to contact committee and arrange a meeting for Thursday 16th March at The Welfare Hall.
023/17 Set Date & Time of next meeting
Next meeting: 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 9th March 2017 at St Mary’s Church.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on
Thursday 9th March 2017 at 6.30 p.m.
Present: C Pavett (Chairperson), A Price (Deputy Chair, J Price, C Edwards, C Harries, P Richards, S Whitrow
Clerk: D Roberts
024 /17 Apologies: M Aveyard, G Harries
025/17 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Edwards due to County Borough Status
026/17 Minutes.
The minutes of the Meeting on 9th February 2017 of the Blaengwrach Community Council were accepted as a true record, proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Whitrow .
027/17 Matters Arising
Application for funding for new stage curtains @ The Welfare Hall – ongoing, six week application decision process.
Traffic survey – ongoing awaiting results
Designated signatures on Bank accounts – postponed until May meeting.
028/17 Planning
No plan applications received
Result of appeal for Planning P2016/0966 will take six weeks.
029/17 Crime and Disorder.
No notifications
030/17 Finance
Payments agreed
Celtic Mowers £58
St Cadoc £12
Phil Barber Flooring £1524
Small Plant Machinery £585
Tesco £6
PRS £139
Amazon £19
Tankard £26
Payments Received
Hall Rental £216
Budget discuss in line with cash flow forecast. Budget approved for March.
031/17 Correspondence
Tesco Bags Funding – Discuss at May meeting
CVS emails – Clerk to filter emails and forward relevant information.
032/17 Committee Reports
Cllr Edwards – Community Council Liaison Committee
033/17 Matters Raised by Cllrs
There has been further damage to the front of the stage at The Welfare Hall by Celtic Archers. Action: DR to send letter with charges for repairs to any further damage.
Work on replacing the ceiling at The Welfare Hall and decoration has been completed, Extra hours approved for Caretaker for cleaning.
Cllr J Price raised concerns that the insulation had not be replaced to standard and will take photos as evidence of the workmanship.
034/17 Gardener Vacancy
Shortlist of 2 applicants.
Interviews to be held on Thursday 23rd March at 6.30pm and 7.15pm at The Welfare Hall.
Cllrs to meet prior to interview to discuss questions.
Action: DR to send letters to confirm interview.
035/17 Cwmgwrach Moving Forward
Cllrs discussed terms and conditions of contract of hire of The Welfare Hall for cinema showings.
Councillors agreed to Picnic in the Park and suggested closing the Welfare at 6.30pm and The Welfare Park at 7.30pm to be discussed at meeting.
Councillors to meet with Committee members on 21st March to discuss issues raised and confirm terms and conditions of rental.
034/17 Set Date & Time of next meeting
Next meeting: 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 20th April 2017 at St Mary’s Church.