Draft Minutes of the Special Finance Meeting held on Thursday 1st December 2022, held at the Welfare Hall, Heol y Felin, Cwmgwrach commencing at 6.30 pm
This meeting replaces the Ordinary Meeting scheduled for Thursday 15th December.
Present: Cllr. Rhian Williams, Cllr. Menna Mortimore, Cllr. Jennifer Bulman, Cllr. Peter Rudd, Cllr. Carolyn Edwards (via Zoom), Cllr. Alan Edwards (via Zoom).
Council Employees Present: Clive Baker Responsible Financial Office and Linda Evans Clerk to the Council.
Members of the Public Present: None
68/22 Apologies:
Cllr. David Jones and Cllr. Rhian A Williams had sent their apologies, Cllr. Andrew Hippsley and Cllr. Amanda Doherty no apologies received.
69/22 Declarations of Interest:
No declarations of interest were made.
70/22 To Receive the Public Observations on Agenda Items:
No members of the public were in attendance.
71/22 Agenda Items:
- a) Reiterations of New Council Projects and Non-Budget Items:
Discussion around drawing up a wish list of projects prioritising the most urgent work especially if was/or became a Health and Safety issue. The paths and walls around the Welfare Hall and Playground is a needed but will be an expensive project. The possibility of a Public Service Loan was discussed and to be looked into further when there is an idea of cost, then amounts and interest rates can be examined more closely. The report from the Energy Efficiency Survey carried out in October has not yet been received, there is a possibility that the report will also give ideas for projects e.g. Solar Panels, Insulation. Consultation with the Council’s Care Taker and Grounds person, highlighted a number of projects for the Cllr’s to consider – repair of 2 apparatus in the park, replace the curtains around the stage, branch trimming for a number of trees. Clerk to arrange for a quote for the apparatus repair and quotes for the trees. It was agreed this was a basis to the 5 Year Plan .. meeting moved to Item (b).
- b) 5 Year Plan:
To use the “wish list” to compile a working document that projects can be added to/competed/removed. Clerk to compile the list of suggested projects for next Meeting. Clerk to add as a Permanent Agenda Item for review each month.
- c) Reiteration Discussion – Precept 2023/24:
RFO distributed to each Cllr a document setting out the 2023/24 Projected Budget with figures showing a shortfall of approximately £8,000.00, of predicted expenses to income for 2023/24. The RFO had also distributed to each Cllr a document outlining Precept % increases ranging from 0% > 20%. In this document was included any proposed rise to affect band D properties within the ward. All agreed that with the rising cost of living i.e. increase for council employees’ salaries, Hall and Cemetery Utility Bills and Council Tax Rates that an increase in the Precept would be needed. Further discussion on utilising the Welfare Hall and increase income. With the installation of Wi-Fi the potential to attract a wider customer e.g. conference/meeting room for businesses. The Hall and Cemetery Fees will need looking at and a realistic and competitive increase may be needed. Clerk to add Hall and Cemetery Fees to January Agenda for discussion. A motion was put forward to keep an increase to the Precept to a minimum and to use funds from the Community Council Reserve Account to off set too high an increase. It was resolved by the council to increase the Precept for 2023/24 by 9.5% Motion was passed with 6 Votes.
- d) Payments by RFO (from personal bank account):
As the Community Council Bank Account does not have a credit/debit card the RFO has needed to pay for a number of Direct Debits and Standing Orders through his personal account and then claim back monthly. It was agreed that a new mandate will be completed with Clerks details added and the request to issue bank cards. RFO to contact bank and arrange for the necessary paper work in readiness for the January Meeting. RFO to move all payments to CC Bank Account once this has been completed.
72/22 AOB
- Aberpergwm Colliery have given/donated the Community Council a Christmas Gift of £500.00 to use for the benefit of the local community. It was agreed that this fund would go towards refreshments and other expenses accrued by the Warm Hub at the Welfare Hall, Tuesday mornings starting in January.
- Chair to distribute the Selection Boxes to Children at the Local School
- Chair is investigating why the Christmas Banner has still not been installed. Chair has emailed Centergreat for an update.
73/22 Set Date, Time and Proposed Agenda Items for next meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled and will be held on Thursday 19th January, 2023 at 6.30 pm. The venue of the meeting will be the Welfare Hall and remotely on Zoom. The proposed agenda items are, at this time – None.
Notices of the meeting will be posted at least three working days before they are due to take place.
Meeting closed at 7.43 pm
Accepted as a true record:
Councillor – Carolyn Edwards (Chair Person)
The Council resolved to enter Closed Session under Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 & the Council Standing Order 1c Discuss Personal Issues: