Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Blaengwrach Community Council held in St. Mary`s Church Hall, Blaengwrach at 6.30pm on Thursday 13th June 2019.
PRESENT: Councillors Carolyn Edwards (Chair); Menna Mortimore (Vice-Chair); Philippa Richards; Julia Hippsley, Amanda Doherty & Andrew Hippsley.
ALSO PRESENT: Clive Baker – Clerk to Blaengwrach Community Council.
Apologies had been received from Councillors Chris Kelly; Bethan Parry; Rhian Watts & Rhian Williams.
Councillor Carolyn Edwards declared her interest as a County Councillor of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.
The minutes of both the Annual General Meeting & the Monthly meeting which were both held on 9th May 2019 were accepted as true records of those meetings. Proposed by Councillor Julia Hippsley & seconded by Councillor Philippa Richards.
a) PARKING IN HEOL Y FELIN – Councillor Carolyn Edwards is meeting with the NPTCBC, Streetcare Team on Friday 14th June 2019;
b) THE WELFARE PARK PROJECT – The contractors are still “on-course” to complete the work by mid-July 2019.
c) “ADOPTING THE LIGHT HIGHLIGHTING THE WITCH” – As everything is now in place it was decided to remove this item from the minutes. THIS ITEM IS NOW CLOSED.
d) CHRISTMAS 2019 CELEBRATIONS & ORGANISATION – Councillor Rhian Williams was unable to attend this meeting but she had sent a message to say that she has researched possible children`s entertainers for 30th November 2019 & will email the members with the prices quoted in readiness for the next meeting.
e) THE REMEMBRANCE BOARD IN THE WELFARE HALL – The Clerk met with a representative of the Royal British Legion on 29th May 2019 & after they had examined the research relating to the three names, it was found that all three of the names already appear on either their Regiment`s Honours Board or another Honours Board within the UK. The representative of the Royal British Legion stated that RBL Guidelines say that the names can only appear on one Honours Board & cannot be duplicated. THIS ITEM IS NOW CLOSED.
f) GRIT BOXES – The survey from NPTCBC, Streetcare is still awaited & it was therefore decided to remove this item from the minutes until the result of the survey is received.
g) 2019 ARMED FORCES DAY (SATURDAY 29th JUNE 2019) – Almost everything is “in place” in readiness for the celebration. The Councillors & Staff will meet at the Hall on 28th June 2019 to put up the “bunting” & arrange tables etc. Posters inviting people to the event have been put up in the Council`s notice boards.
h) THE VALE OF NEATH HEALTH CENTRE – The given date for the opening of the Health Centre is 22nd July 2019. There is to be a proposed “open day” for the public to visit the Centre on 27th June 2019. Anyone wishing to visit should contact the Vale of Neath Medical Practice Manager or a member of the Vale of Neath Practice Patient Participation Group.
i) CLUN -Y BONT, HIGH STREET, CWMGWRACH – There was no update available on this item & it was decided to remove the item from the minutes until “concrete” information is received. THIS ITEM IS NOW CLOSED.
j) CHANGE OF TRUSTEES OF COUNCIL OPEN SPACES CHARITY – No response has been received from the two existing trustees.
k) THE RE-OPENING OF THE “PARISH ROAD” – There is no update available on this item.
l) THE “AFTER SCHOOL CLUB” AT THE WELFARE HALL – It was reported that the After School Club will be going ahead but there were no further details available.
m) AGENDA ITEM 5a – REIMBURSEMENT TO THE CLERK FOR THE COST OF TELEPHONE CALLS MADE ON BEHALF OF THE COUNCIL – It was agreed that the Clerk could be reimbursed for the cost of calls made on behalf of the Council with effect from 13th June 2019.
n) AGENDA ITEM 5b – THE POSSIBILITY of a DISPLAY CABINET IN THE WELFARE HALL for CWMGWRACH/BLAENGWRACH HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA – It was decided to discuss this item after all invoices for the “Park Project” have been received & paid as the Council will then have a clearer idea of the finances available.
o) AGENDA ITEM 5c – THE OBTAINING OF A LICENSE for WEDDINGS at the WELFARE HALL – The Clerk presented the information received from NPTCBC (the Licensing Authority) & the Registrar`s Department for Neath Port Talbot. Marriages CAN ONLY BE CARRIED OUT INSIDE A BUILDING & not in the grounds of the building; the Local Licensing Authority would visit to inspect the premises & decide if it was suitable for marriages to be carried out there; only civil ceremonies are allowed (no religious ceremonies) & the Local Registrar would conduct the ceremony; the cost of a license, at the moment, is £1450.00 (one thousand, four hundred & fifty pounds) & MUST BE RENEWED EVERY THREE YEARS. In view of all of the above, the Council decided NOT TO PROCEED but that newly weds could use the Park for photographs, if so desired, and could hire the Welfare Hall, using an outside caterer, for their reception.
p) AGENDA ITEM 5d – DISCUSSION ON REVIEW OF ENERGY PRICES/SUPPLIERS – It was decided to contact Utility AID Limited, who conduct a FREE, NO OBLIGATION quote service for gas & electricity and to seek other quotes to see if costs can be saved on the energy prices at the Welfare Hall.
016/19 – PLANNING:
13th May 2019 – P2019/0365 – Miss I Dukes, 3, Mill Terrace, Glynneath, Neath, SA11 5ES – Change of use (A1 to A3 – Retail Outlet to Tea Room) @ 1, Pentre Street, Glynneath, Neath SA11 5EU – NOTE: DELEGATED DECISION; 6th June 2019 – 2019/0456 – Mrs Susan Paul, 4, Maes Y Ceffyl, Cwmgwrach, Neath SA11 5PJ – Removal of condition 11 of Planning Application 2003/0295, granted on 30th September 2003, relating to car parking at 4, Maes Y Ceffyl, Cwmgwrach.
017/19 – CRIME & DISORDER:
Reported crime figures for April 2019 were 14. They were broken down as: 3 Anti-Social Behaviour; 1 Burglary; 1 Criminal Damage & Arson; 1 Public Disorder; 1 Vehicle Crime & 7 Voilent and Sexual Offences.
The next PACT meeting will take place at 6.30pm on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 in the Bethania Community Centre, High Street, Glynneath.
018/19 – FINANCE:
For Period 10th May 2019 to 13th June 2019.
HMRC – £159.60 (Tax for two months on Clerk`s Salary); Welsh Water – £104.00 (monthly water rates for Welfare Hall); Welsh Water – £38.00 (monthly water rates for Cemetery); NPTCBC – £421.00 (monthly general rates for Welfare Hall); NPTCBC – £45.00 (monthly general rates for Cemetery); Staff Pension Scheme Contributions – £58.10 (5 weeks); Stay Safe Testing & Installation Ltd – £5,040.00 (Part Payment for New Outside Lights for the Park Project); 2 x 2019-2020 Councillor Allowance – £300.00; British Gas – £813.58 (Gas at Welfare Hall 23/2/2019 to 29/5/2019); St. Cadocs Church – £36.00 (Hire of Church Hall for Council meetings – April, May & June 2019); Wicksteed Leisure Ltd – £106,367.40 (1st Payment for supply/fit “New Park” – PARK PROJECT.
Hall Hire – £206.50; Pen Y Cymoedd CYC – £49,500.00 (half payment of grant for Park Project).
The 2010-2020 Internal Auditor`s Report has not been received. It was decided to set a “Special Finance Meeting for 6pm on Thursday 27th June 2019, in the basement room of the Welfare Hall for the Clerk/RFO to present the report to the Council.
5th June 2019 from One Voice Wales – Details of “on-line” Training Courses for Councillors.
There were no Section 137 requests received since the last meeting.
a) Councillor Carolyn Edwards reported that she had been in contact with both the NPTCBC, Streetcare Department & NPTCBC, Planning Department regarding a pedestrian crossing on the B4242 near the “New Health Centre”. She had been informed that it IS INTENDED to place a pedestrian crossing near the Health Centre & that the work will commence within the next few months.
b) She then reported that there are on-going discussions with DANSA regarding a “Community Car Scheme” for people to access the new Health Centre. This will be a three month “pilot” scheme to start with a view to continuing the scheme at the end of the “pilot” if usage so dictates.
The next meeting will be held in St. Mary`s Church Hall, Blaengwrach at 6.30pm on Thursday 18th July 2019. There were no proposed agenda items at this time.