The October 2021 Meeting of the Blaengwrach Community Council held in the Welfare Hall, Heol Y Felin, Cwmgwrach, on Thursday 21st October 2021, commencing at 6.30pm.
PRESENT: Councillors Carolyn Edwards (Chair); Menna Mortimore (Vice-Chair); Philippa Richards & Rhian Williams;
ALSO PRESENT: Clive Baker – Clerk to Blaengwrach Community Council;
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT: P.C. Andrew Wallen (South Wales Police) & P.C.S.O. Andrew Jones (South Wales Police);
41/21 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Amanda Doherty; Julia Hippsley; Andrew Hippsley & Helen Williams had sent their apologies;
42/21 DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST: Councillor Carolyn Edwards made her usual declaration as a County Councillor of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council;
43/21 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AS A TRUE RECORD OF THAT MEETING: The minutes of the meeting held on 16th September 2021 were accepted as a true record of that meeting;
a) Reopening of the Welfare Hall – The last of the “regular” users/hirers has decided to recommence their activities on 26th October 2021; one returned on the 8th September 2021 and the other three had returned at earlier dates. Following the statement made by the First Minister on “Relaxation of Covid Guidelines in Wales” on 6th August 2021, it has been decided to return to full use of the hall providing the “hirers” agree to adhere to the recommendations on Covid published following the First Minister`s statement. NOTE: THE ABOVE MENTIONED STATEMENT WAS FOLLOWED BY A SEVENTEEN (17) PAGE SET OF GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY IN “ALERT LEVEL 0 AND A TWENTY-FIVE (25) PAGE SET OF GUIDELINES FOR EMPLOYERS, BUSINESSES AND ORGANISATIONS AND THESE WILL BE REFERRED TO, AND ADHERED TO, WITH BOTH EXISTING “HIRERS/USERS” AND NEW “HIRERES/USERS”. This item is now closed and will be removed from the minutes;
b) Christmas 2021 Celebrations – There has been NO response regarding Santa`s Sleigh and therefore, it is assumed that it WILL NOT be in the village this year; The “banner” and Christmas tree were ordered on 25th June 2021; A request for an agreement for use of the lamp posts in High Street for “Christmas lights”, together with a report from the preferred contractor, was sent to NPTCBC on 19th July 2021 (NO RESPONSE AS BEEN RECEIVED TO DATE); The Grant Providers for the “Christmas Lights Project” met on 4th August 2021 and a “conditional offer” (the only condition was that NPTCBC agree to use of the lamp posts) was received; subsequently, the grant monies was received on 17th August 2021; The “Column Mounted Lights were ordered on 9th August 2021 and received on 14th October 2021; It is hoped that the NPTCBC Agreement will be “in place” and ALL required work will be received/completed by 20th November 2021. NOTE: IF THESE ARE NOT “IN PLACE/COMPLETED” THEN THE “SWITCH-ON” MAY HAVE TO BE PUSHED BACK TO 27th NOVEMBER or 4th DECEMBER;
c) The Council`s 2020-2021 Annual Return (Accounts) – On the 30th September 2021 a notice of “Publication of the Audited Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2021” was published on the Council`s website and in the notice boards. This notice was posted under instruction from the Wales Audit Office as due to Covid-19, the Auditor General had NOT issued an opinion on the Annual Return. THIS ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE MINUTES UNTIL A RESPONSE IS RECEIVED FROM THE WALES AUDIT OFFICE;
d) Litter Bins – The placement of the “new” litter bins are an item on the “Winter Programme of Works” and will be in place in readiness for Spring 2022;
e) Defibrillators in the Welfare Hall and High Street – Andrew Pughsley (Upper Neath Valley Group Project Manager (UNVGPM)) is obtaining quotes and completing a grant application to NPTCBC, County Members Fund, to cover the purchase and installation costs. It has been decided that both the defibrillators WILL BE “OUTDOOR” models, with one situated on the outside wall of the Welfare Hall and one on the wall (by Council notice board) in High Street. When these are installed the installers will take away the existing “in-door” (in the Hall kitchen) model for “up grading” and it will be donated to “where needed”;
f) Remote Meetings – There is no update on this item (see minute (g) below);
g) Installation of Wi-Fi in the Welfare Hall – The UNVGPM is obtaining prices/costs for this item. The Council`s 2022-2023 Budget will be discussed with these costs included;
h) Agenda Item 5a – Examination of the Council Budget for the Period 1st April 2021 to 30th September 2021 – The Council examined the budget comparison for this period. The “income against projected income ” was 103.12% and the “expenditure against projected expenditure” was 95.37%. THIS ITEM IS NOW CLOSED AND WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE MINUTES;
i) Agenda Item 5b – The Flat Roof of the Kitchen in the Welfare Hall – Due to water leaking into the kitchen in the recent bad weather, the REQUIRED three quotes are being obtained for repair/replacement of the roof. Whilst this item was being discussed, it was mentioned that work WILL be needed on the concrete paths and boundary walls of the Welfare Park. It has been decided to obtain the REQUIRED three quotes for this work and as soon as that are ALL received to complete an application for a Community Council Minor Project Grant from NPTCBC to meet the cost of ALL the above mentioned work. If there is a “shortfall”, the Council will consider meeting this by applying to the Public Works Loan Board (interest rate 1.3% per annum) to meet the “shortfall”;
45/21 PLANNING: There were NO Planning Applications received for the Blaengwrach/Cwmgwrach Ward between 17th September 2021 and 21st October 2021;
46/21 CRIME AND POLICING: The “reported” crime figures for August 2021 were 9. These were broken down as follows: Other Theft – 1; Public Disorder – 1; Violent & Sexual Offences – 7; NOTE: AFTER FURTHER RESEARCH IT WAS FOUND THAT 8 OF THE 9 REPORTED CRIMES ABOVE TOOK PLACE BETWEEN THE A465 & B4242 (MacDonald`s and the B road to Resolven) AND ONLY 1 IN THE BLAENGWRACH/CWMGWRACH AREA;
The Police Officers present explained several aspects of the “Reported Crime Figures”, of why they are only available two months in arrears (to allow investigations to be undertaken without “alerting possible suspects”) and some of the proposed initiatives that may take place with-in the “Sector” (Neath & Pontardawe);
47/21 FINANCE: For the period 17th September 2021 to 21st October 2021:
Staff Pension Scheme – £64.75 (5 weeks);
Welsh Water – Water Rates for Welfare Hall – £105.50;
Welsh Water – Water Rates for Cemetery – £12.00;
HMRC – Staff Tax & NI for 6th September 2021 to 5th October 2021 – £92.76;
Utility Warehouse Ltd – Electricity at Welfare Hall for September 2021 – £50.24;
NPTCBC – General Rates for Cemetery – £46.00;
NPTCBC – General Rates for Welfare Hall – £428.00;
O2 – Top-Up of Council Mobile – £30.00;
British Gas – Gas at Welfare Hall for 17th August 2021 to 16th September 2021 – £86.19;
Wired-Up Wales – Annual Registration & “Hosting” for Council website – £90.00;
J G Rees – Keys to Hall Cut for Project Manager – £11.99;
Market Shoe Repairs – Cylinder Key for Shutter Padlock (Welfare Hall) Cut for Project Manager – £2.95;
Tesco – Black Printer Cartridge for Office – £24.00;
Cwmgwrach Stores – Black Bin Bags & 1 Tin of Polish for Welfare Hall – £5.67;
Playdale Playgrounds Ltd – Parts for Play Equipment as per 2021 ROSPA Report – £305.22;
Eurogarages Ltd – Petrol for Park Machinery – £15.28;
Monthly Interest on Reserve/Saver Account – £5.35;
Hall Hire and Other Rental Fees – £130.00;
29/9/2021 from the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales – Draft Report on County/Town & Community Councillors Allowances with effect from 6th April 2022;
6/10/2021 from the Wales Government – Notice of a Consultation on Phase 2 of Diversity in Democracy (Barriers to Individuals Active Participation in Local Democracy) (i.e. People standing in County/Town and/or Community Council Elections to become “new Councillors”);
14/10/2021 from The Ombudsman for Wales (via One Voice Wales) – Amendments to Model Informal Resolution Protocols re: Complaints from Member Councillors or Council Staff against Member Councillors;
SECTION 137 REQUESTS: There were NO) Section 137 Requests received between 17th September 2021 and 21st October 2021;
49/21 COUNTY COUNCILLOR`S REPORT(S): Councillor Carolyn Edwards had NO further reports for the meeting;
Due to the unavailability of several Councillors on Thursday 18th November 2021 the November meeting is scheduled for 6.30pm on Thursday 25th November 2021. It will be held in the Welfare Hall, Heol Y Felin, Cwmgwrach unless the Welsh Government`s Coronavirus/Covid-19 Guidelines are changed before that date. The agenda for the meeting will be posted on this website and in the Council notice boards, at least three working days before the meeting is due to take place.
The meeting closed at 8pm.