The 2020 Annual General Meeting held in the Welfare Park at 6.30pm on Wednesday 19th August 2020.
PRESENT: Councillors: Rhian Williams; Philippa Richards; Amanda Doherty; Menna Mortimore & Carolyn Edwards;
ALSO PRESENT: Clive Baker – Clerk to Blaengwrach Community Council;
There were no members of the public present;
AGM 01/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Chris Kelly & Rhian Watts had sent their apologies;
AGM 02/20 DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST: Councillor Carolyn Edwards declared her interest as a County Councillor of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council;
AGM 03/20 NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIR OF THE COUNCIL – Councillor Carolyn Edwards was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Therefore, Councillor Carolyn Edwards is elected as Chair for 2020-2021;
AGM 04/20 NOMINATIONS FOR DEPUTY/VICE CHAIR – Councillor Amanda Doherty was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Therefore, Councillor Amanda Doherty will serve as Vice Chair for 2020-2021;
AGM 05/20 COUNCILLORS TO SERVE ON INTERNAL COMMITTEES – It was decided NOT to appointed individual Councillors to the Cemetery Committee, Welfare Hall Committee and the Events/Christmas Committee and that any items relating to these areas of the Council will be discussed and decided upon by the full Council at the monthly meetings. This leaves the Human Resources Committee and the following Councillors were elected to this Committee – Councillor Amanda Doherty; Councillor Philippa Richards & Councillor Rhian Williams;
Aberpergwm Colliery Site Liaison/Grant: Councillor Philippa Richards;
Blaengwrach Primary School Governors: Councillor Menna Mortimore;
CBC Community Liaison Committee: Councillors Philippa Richards & Carolyn Edwards;
One Voice Wales Neath Area Committee: Councillor Chris Kelly (with Councillor Carolyn Edwards as the Deputy Representative);
The Selar (Blaengwrach) Community Benefits Fund: Councillors Amanda Doherty & Menna Mortimore;
Trustees of the Council`s Open Space Charity: Councillors Philippa Richards & Amanda Doherty were elected as the New Trustees of the Open Space Charity;
Vale of Neath Medical Practice Liaison Committee: Councillors Carolyn Edwards & Philippa Richards;
AGM 07/20 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL`S STANDING ORDERS – It was resolved to adopt the Standing Orders without amendment for 2020-2021;
AGM 08/20 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL`S FINANCIAL REGULATIONS – It was decided to adopt the Financial Regulations as they stand for 2020-2021 except for an amendment to allow Councillor Menna Mortimore full Internet Banking access to the Council`s Bank Accounts;
AGM 09/20 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL`S SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY – It was resolved to adopt this policy with no amendments and to explore set up of a Council Facebook Page with Councillor Philippa Richards & the Clerk as Administrators of the page;
The Clerk (Clive Baker) was confirmed as the Council`s Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) for 2020-2021;
The Council`s Authorised Signatories were confirmed as: Councillors Philippa Richards, Carolyn Edwards & Menna Mortimore (see minute AGM 08 above re: Internet Banking) and the Clerk/RFO (Clive Baker);
I was decided that the proposed monthly meetings continue to be the third Thursday of each month. (Proposed dates – 17th September 2020; 15th October 2020; 19th November 2020; 17th December 2020; 21st January 2021; 18th February 2021; 18th March 2021; 15th April 2021 & 20th May 2021 (2021 AGM scheduled for 20th May 2021). The venues and times of the meetings and availability of public access to them is subject to present and future Covid-19 Guidelines issued by the Welsh Government.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm.