Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 7th June 2017 at 6.30 p.m.
Present: Philippa Richards (Chairperson), Carolyn Edwards (Vice Chairperson), Amanda Doherty, Menna Mortimore, Julia Hippsley, Andrew Hippsley, Chris Kelly, Rhian Watts, Rhian Williams.
Clerk: Donna Roberts
060/17 Apologies: Bethan Rosser
061/17 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Edwards due to County Borough Status
Cllr Watts due to personal planning application
062/17 Minutes.
The minutes of the Meeting on 11th May 2017 of the Blaengwrach Community Council were accepted as a true record, proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Mortimore.
063/17 Matters Arising
Planning application development at bottom of Empire Avenue – Cllr Edwards has spoken to NPTCBC planning department. There will be a formal complaint made to the Leader of NPTCBC and a silent demonstration held at Empire Avenue. Cllr Edwards will pursue the option of making an appeal against the development.
Trees at Blaengwrach Primary School – Cllrs have been unable to visit Blaengwrach Primary School to discuss the problem – carried forward.
Issues with access to Unity Mine Road – carried forward.
064/17 Planning
P2017/04222 – Twyn y Deri, Parish Road, Cwmgwrach SA11 5SW. Single storey side extension – no objections
065/17 Crime and Disorder.
No issues raised
066/16 Finance
Payments agreed
Payment Received
Budget discuss in line with cash flow forecast. Budget approved for May.
067/17 Approval of Annual Accounts
Approved by Councillors
068/17 Approval of annual Accounting statement and annual governance statement Approved by Councillors
069/17 Correspondence
Seafarers UK – Request to fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Nave Day – Cllrs declined Zurich Insurance – Risk Engineering, Annual Seminars 2017 – Action: DR to file NPT CVS – Membership information – Cllrs decided to renew membership.
One Voice Wales – Information on next meeting on 14th June 2017. Cllr Kelly to attend.
Age Connects – Copy of cinema License, request to speak to attend meeting to discuss services provided with Blaengwrach Community Council. Action: DR to invite to September meeting One Voice Wales – New Cllr training, Training to be held in September at St Mary’s Church. Action: DR to contact Glynneath Town Council re Town Cllrs attending training and check dates available. Quote received for abatement of asbestos at The Welfare Hall – Action: DR to contact contractor to arrange date for work to be carries out.
070/17 Committee Reports
The Park Project Committee have met with a fencing contractor regarding replacing the fencing around tennis courts and Muga. Action: DR to contact contractor re quote. Cllr Richards to meet with second contractor to obtain second quote.
071/17 Matters Raised by Cllrs
All organizations to be issued with revised Terms & Conditions of hire.
Chair’s allowance to be used towards the Christmas activities at The Welfare Hall.
Christmas Sleigh and entertainer booked for Christmas event on Saturday 2nd December 2017. Picnic in The Park – Very successful event which closed at 8:00pm, Cllrs agreed that future events should also close at 8:00 pm.
Cllr Edwards agreed to complete Food Hygiene certificate training.
Cllrs requested a meeting with Caretaker and gardener/handyman. DR to contact to meet at 5:00pm on 21/6/17 at The Welfare Hall.
Cllr Kelly to meet with electrical contractor at Welfare Hall re CCTV and electrics at The Welfare Hall.
Cllr Doherty to meet with plumber re replacing water tank at The Welfare Hall.
072/17 Set Date & Time of next meeting
Next meeting: 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 10th August 2017 at St Mary’s Church.
Meeting closed 8:45 pm
Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting held on 4thh July 2017 at 6.00 p.m.
Present: Philippa Richards (Chairperson), Carolyn Edwards (Vice Chairperson), Amanda Doherty, Chris Kelly, Rhian Williams.
Clerk: Donna Roberts
073/17 Apologies: Julia Hipsley, Andrew Hippsley, Menna Mortimore, Bethan Rosser, Rhian Watts
074/17 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Edwards due to County Borough Status
Cllr Doherty due to contractor used by personal business.
075/17 Quotes for removal/abatement of asbestos
Councillors discussed the quotes for the removal and/or abatement of asbestos to the rear of the stage at The Welfare Hall. Unanimously voted to use Enviro Savers Ltd at a cost of £998.00
076/17 Caretaker’s holidays.
Councillors decided to put together a rota of opening and closing times to be allocated to Councillors during the period.
077/17 The Clerk will be on annual leave from Week commencing 17th July for 2 weeks.
078/17 A plumber will be conducting a site visit on Monday 10th July at 9.30 am. Cllr Doherty to accompany Clerk on site.
079/17 Cllr Edwards agreed to contact another electrical contractor to allow for cost comparison.
080/17 Extra information has been requested for TSB regarding transferring the bank accounts from Barclays. TSB have requested a copy of the minutes naming the Cllrs to be signatories and authorizing the bank accounts to be transferred. Cllr Julia Hippsley has decided that she does not want to be a signatory on the new bank account after careful consideration. Cllrs agreed that another person could be added as an authorised signature at a later date.
081/17 Cllrs agreed to pay employees three weeks’ pay to ensure payments are made during the transfer of bank accounts.
Meeting closed 7.15 pm