Councilors attending the Meeting: Cllr Carolyn Edwards, Cllr Menna Mortimore, Cllr Peter Rudd, Cllr Jennifer Bulman, Cllr. Rhian Williams and Cllr Rhian A Williams.
Council Employees in attendance: Linda Evans Clerk and Clive Baker RFO
Apologies: Cllr. Andrew Hippsley, Cllr. David Jones, Cllr Amanda Doherty, and Cllr Alan Edwards.
There were no members of the public present.
There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.
Agenda Item 7a – All Councillors present voted and agreed to acknowledge the Annual Return 2021/22
Agenda Item 7d – All Councillors present voted to accept the New Model Standing Orders.
Draft Minutes in their entirety will be posted at a later date.
Linda Evans – Clerk to Blaengwrach Community Council